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This Old Spice Super Bowl Spot Will Only Air In Alaska Because It's The Wolf Capital Of The World

Feb 4, 2013, 03:20 IST

Procter & Gamble and its ad agency for Old Spice, Wieden + Kennedy, have a new media strategy they're using for an Old Spice Super Bowl spot.


Like similar ads for Old Milwaukee and Dundler Mifflin (yes, it's a real paper company spun off the TV show), this one is only airing on YouTube and in one specific region, before most likely before going national.

The Juneau, Alaska-only spot shows a man who enters a dinner party with two wolves perched on his shoulders. He leaves the party — along with the wolves — in show-stopper fashion by driving away with a hot woman in a sleek car, through the windows.

Why is this only airing in Alaska? Because it's the wolf capital of the world, of course.

Check out the ad here:


The rest of the country will see a male-narrated spot with a man who plays poker with hawks circling his head.

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