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The State Of The Mobile Advertising Industry Is Strong

Jan 28, 2014, 20:45 IST


Mobile advertising has been a bit slow to take off, but there are signs that it has finally achieved flight speed.


Targeting, tracking, and attribution technologies are beginning to come into their own. The market is still fragmented among an alphabet soup of entities including, demand-side platforms or DSPs, and supply-side platforms, SSPs. But big companies are acquiring smaller ones along with their tech stacks, and cleaning up the space. Programmatic buying techniques are introducing more efficiency.

A recent report from BI Intelligence finds that deal-making and new ad tech has led to a reshuffle of the entire mobile ad industry, which is where digital ad dollars will inevitably head. The mobile ad ecosystem is still incredibly complicated - the report includes an industry landscape chart that makes sense of it. But mobile ad spend is rising at a breakneck pace, and the next few years will inevitably lead to consolidation and streamlining.

Here are some of the key developments:

In full, the report:



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