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The comedy singer behind the 'Shia LaBeouf' viral video has made an amusing ad for Intel

Apr 13, 2016, 16:52 IST


Rob Cantor, the comedic singer behind 2014's  "Shia LaBeouf" and "29 Celebrity Impressions, 1 Original Song" viral videos, has created a new song for Intel about the web's most-memorable funny videos.

Cantor sings about various YouTube greats ...

From "David after the dentist":



To the dog that plays the cow bell:


And the goats that wear pajamas:


The "Nobody Else Quite Like You" video forms part of Intel's #1in7Billion campaign, which promotes its True Key app. True Key lets people use their face of fingerprint, rather than passwords, to log in to various services across the web.The central idea of the video element is that everyone is unique, so TrueKey will only log into your accounts when it knows you're trying to access them.Maeghan Smulders, who handles creative and strategic marketing for True Key, explained the thinking behind the ad to Mashable: "We figured out we needed to talk about biometric, multi-factor authentication in a way that wasn't super confusing or scary for people or too tech-y and boring."

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