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Target Has Found A Cool Way To Use Instagram To Celebrate Halloween

Oct 15, 2014, 01:22 IST

Target has found a crafty way to use Instagram's tagging feature just in time for Halloween celebrations and, of course, Halloween crafting and decorating.


The retailer is using Instagram, which is typically a fairly static app with limited capabilities, to share Halloween recipes and DIY decorating ideas in a creative way. The campaign is all built around the ability to tag another user in an image on Instagram. It's meant to engage with crafty customers and Instagram followers in the spirit of Halloween.

"We really wanted to think outside of the box for Halloween and come up with something that would surprise and excite our guests at the same time," Target's VP of public relations and social media Dustee Jenkins tells Ad Age.

There's no way to directly access Target's website and buy the products through the Instagram campaign, but Ad Age reports that all the ingredients and tools needed for the treats and crafts can be purchased at Target. Target tells Ad Age that the big campaign is more about creating brand awareness anyway.

When you visit Target's Instagram page, there are nine images of a make-believe cartoon town called "Halloween Hills." Each image is split into two parts and is tagged with two different "users."


When you click on a specific image from the home page the caption prompts you to "Knock once to trick-or-treat!"

For each image, if you click "trick" you'll be taken to another user page with some sort of do-it-yourself costume or decorating idea, from how to make the perfect monster nails to step-by-step instructions for a set of alien head string lights. When you click "treat" you'll be taken to a page with a festive recipe, with ideas including spooky cauldron cupcakes and haunted house cookies.

Here's what one of the "trick" pages looks like:


Here's what a "treat" page looks like:

Each individual image lists out directions for that particular step, with the last image showing off what the final product should look like.

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