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Report Says Twitter Might Announce Its Advertising API Today [THE BRIEF]

Feb 20, 2013, 18:53 IST

Good morning, AdLand. Here's what you need to know today:


Sources told Mashable that today might be the day that Twitter announces its advertising API, which would give advertisers the opportunity to created sophisticated campaigns on the site like they've been doing on Facebook. Although, according to Mashable's sources, if Twitter's partners don't get on board with announcing today, it could be postponed.

Nickelodeon just made its very first app that, as the New York Time's notes, doesn't really emphasize its television shows on the network.

Panera doubled its digital ad spend, and TV ad spend increased by 60 percent.

Mindshare beat out Horizon Media and Initiative to handle Lionsgate's media. The production company spends an estimated $250 million a year.


Matthias Appleblad is leaving his role of EVP/ECD at BBDO (which he's had for three years) to be the new digital ECD at Deutsch LA.

The World Wildlife Fund's anti-poaching campaign does not use scare tactics and disturbing imagery.

Sprint and Telefonica partnered up to create a mobile ad network that would reach about 370 million people across three continents.

Previously on Business Insider Advertising:

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