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Microsoft Released An iPad-Bashing Ad At A Really Bad Time [THE BRIEF]

Jul 22, 2013, 18:01 IST

Good morning, AdLand. Here's what you need to know today:


Microsoft made another ad that bashes the iPad and exalts the Surface RT tablet. The spot came out Friday, the day after Microsoft announced it was cutting the price of the tablet from $499 to $350, which would cost the company $900 million. It was also Microsoft's worst day on Wall Street since 2009. Here's the ad:

AdExchanger takes a look at how industry folk are reacting to the AOL / Publicis partnership.

Ogilvy is E*TRADE's new agency of record.


Brands are joining in on the Comic-Con fun.

Here's Ad Age's 2013 Hispanic "fact pack."

Delta is hosting a cooking contest to determine who will be a chef on its new culinary team. Challenges will be filmed and promoted via Delta and Food & Wine.

The Miami Heat said goodbye to Mike Miller in full-page ads in Florida newspapers.

Keep America Beautiful made a new campaign with the Ad Council called "I Want to be Recycled."


Previously on Business Insider Advertising:

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