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Liquid Plumr Turns Up The Sleaze In Another Porn-Themed Ad For Drain Declogger

Jul 26, 2013, 19:00 IST

Liquid PlumrHer pipes need flushing.Liquid Plumr has doubled down on its "plumber as porn movie actor" meme in a new commercial for Liquid Plumr Urgent Care ("when you need it now").


The new spot stars a brunette who picks up a bottle of Urgent Care in a hardware store, and is transported (in her mind) to a mansion in which a studly plumber arrives on her doorstep:

Him: "I heard you need it now."

Her: "I only have 10 minutes."

Him: "I only need seven."


And so on.

DDB San Francisco made the ad. Insiders will notice that the director was Clay Weiner — and that that's a real name. "We still clearly show the drain-clearing benefits and product demo," said Jason Elm, chief creative officer of DDB, apparently with a straight face.

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