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Kids Don't Understand Why People Protested Cheerios' Ad Starring A Mixed-Race Family

Jul 20, 2013, 20:32 IST

YouTubeShocked to hear it was controversial.In late May, a seemingly benign Cheerios commercial that happened to feature a mixed-race family incited an avalanche of hate from, for lack of a better word, idiot racists on YouTube.


Reactions were so negative — replete with references to Nazis, "racial genocide," and "troglodytes" — that General Mills eventually disabled the comments.

While it's hard to see a silver lining in this scenario, comedy duo The Fine Bros. made a video in which kids watch and then react to the ad ... and have literally no clue why anyone would find it controversial.

Their flabbergasted reactions when told that people were angry that the parents — "they seemed nice!" — were a bi-racial couple are inspiring and definitely worth the watch.

  • There's disbelief: "I thought Martin Luther King fixed this already."
  • Condemnations: "Nobody likes an evil, mean, stinky bully."
  • Advice for YouTube: "They could say at the end of everything: If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all."
  • And words of wisdom to the oppressed: "Stay strong broski!"

The video already has more than 1.2 million views in two days. Watch below:


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