Quibi's investors want their money back
Still from "Chrissy's Court" on Quibi.Quibi
Here are the top media and advertising stories from Business Insider for October 23.

Quibi's investors want their money back

Here are the top media and advertising stories from Business Insider for October 23.

Hi! Welcome to the Insider Advertising daily for October 23. I'm Lauren Johnson, a senior advertising reporter at Business Insider. Subscribe here to get this newsletter in your inbox every weekday. Send me feedback or tips at ljohnson@businessinsider.com.

Today's news: Quibi's investors want their money back, Facebook's Carolyn Everson talks about the recent advertiser boycott, and GroupM global CEO Christian Juhl makes the case for a new ad model.

A Quibi investor says the startup should have tried to 'fight more' but that he'll be happy if he can get 50% of his investment back

Read the full story here.

'I don't care who takes credit': Facebook's head of ad sales describes lessons the company learned from the summer ad boycott

Read the full story here.

Quibi's investors want their money back

The global CEO of GroupM: Brands need to put more media dollars toward making a positive social and environmental impact and less on funding hate speech

Read the full story here.

More stories we're reading:

Thanks for reading and see you on Monday! You can reach me in the meantime at ljohnson@businessinsider.com and subscribe to this daily email here.

— Lauren