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Goafest Abby Awards 2020 deferred for the year in face of Covid-19 lockdown

Apr 6, 2020, 12:53 IST
The Advertising Club and AAAI expressed confidence that Goafest and the Abby Awards would be back next year on an even grander scaleAAAI
  • AAAI and The Advertising Club announced the deferment of both Goafest and the Abby Awards 2020 amidst Covid-19 lockdown.
  • The Advertising Club and AAAI expressed confidence that both would be back next year on an even grander scale.
The Advertising Agencies Association of India (AAAI) and The Advertising Club who had recently announced the postponement of Goafest 2020, today announced that both Goafest and Abby Awards 2020 will be deferred for the year. This is inevitably necessary in the face of the prevailing global and national crisis.

The Abby Awards at Goafest are the biggest and the most sought after recognition in the advertising, media & marketing industry – while Goafest itself is the premier Indian event for the communications, media and advertiser fraternity. The Advertising Club and AAAI expressed confidence that both would be back next year on an even grander scale.

The Abby Awards saw some of the greatest works being submitted this year and inspite of a muted economic scenario and a global health pandemic the number of entries were at almost at par to that of last year. Such large participation numbers for the Abby awards are a testament to its covetous stature in the industry.

The team at Abby Awards and Goafest urges all patrons to maintain social distancing, be responsible and support the Government.
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