10 Things In Advertising You Need To Know Today
3. Tumblr will team up with Ditto Labs, a photo analytics company, to scan user's photos and find brand affiliations. The data collected will not immediately be used to serve people ads, but will be given to advertisers.
4. Greg Coleman, former president of Criteo, discusses his role as president of BuzzFeed with Ad Exchanger. Coleman says the company will rely heavily on video in the future and will focus on measuring the effectiveness of the site's native ads.
5. Ad Age looks at how marketers can make sure the audiences they buy through programmatic platforms represent their target audience. The publication suggests owning your own data and looking at recent data are two important steps for reaching the right audience.
7. The Washington Post placed a "buy it now" button into one of its articles about "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." The article discussed the controversial new cover of the book and the button took readers to a page where they could purchase the book.
8. Digiday argues brands need to look into niche publications and social networks in order to talk to a more targeted group of consumers. Rather than run tons of promoted tweets to a huge group of people, Digiday says brands should find smaller groups of people and create unique content they can engage with.
9. A second company has taken a stake in the advertising holding company Interpulbic Group. A Chicago based investment company, Harris Associates now owns about 3% of the company.