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Lauren Crosby Medlicott
15 May 2024, 22:24

I'm a CEO who microdoses 'magic' mushrooms as part of my morning routine. It helps me feel more productive and empathetic.

I'm a CEO who microdoses 'magic' mushrooms as part of my morning routine. It helps me feel more productive and empathetic.

I'm a CEO who microdoses 'magic' mushrooms as part of my morning routine. It helps me feel more productive and empathetic.

A CEO who started mircodosing psilocybin, the main "magic" in magic mushrooms, says it helps her manage perimenopause symptoms and be productive.

A lawyer who wrote a book about sleepwalking is cleared of misconduct after she dozed off for 2 hours during an inquest
Alexandra Bacon
15 May 2024, 22:24

A lawyer who wrote a book about sleepwalking is cleared of misconduct after she dozed off for 2 hours during an inquest

A British barrister was representing a nurse witness but nodded off and missed her client giving evidence during a coroner's inquest.

A 63-year-old working 2 jobs is worried about retirement. She says she's been overeducated and underpaid her entire career.
Noah Sheidlower
15 May 2024, 22:22

A 63-year-old working 2 jobs is worried about retirement. She says she's been overeducated and underpaid her entire career.

Cathy, a 63-year-old clerical worker in Minnesota, fears she may never be able to fully retire, even though she's worked her entire life.