Jobs & Careers together with

Perri Ormont Blumberg
29 Apr 2024, 16:40

I quit a comfortable tech job to launch a startup. I had to sacrifice a lot, but now I make $400,000 and travel all the time.

I quit a comfortable tech job to launch a startup. I had to sacrifice a lot, but now I make $400,000 and travel all the time.

I quit a comfortable tech job to launch a startup. I had to sacrifice a lot, but now I make $400,000 and travel all the time.

Gene Caballero had a stable job at Dell, but he quit to cofound a lawn care startup. Now he's earning more, working less, and traveling often.

I make over $2,500 a month from focus groups. Here's how I decide which ones are worth my time and how to find the highest-paying ones.
Jane Zhang
29 Apr 2024, 16:38

I make over $2,500 a month from focus groups. Here's how I decide which ones are worth my time and how to find the highest-paying ones.

A 30-year-old makes between $2,000 and $3,000 a month from focus groups. Here's how.

Having a regional accent can be bad for your interviews, especially an Indian one: study
Ankush Banerjee
29 Apr 2024, 10:54

Having a regional accent can be bad for your interviews, especially an Indian one: study

The study found that this perceived incompetence can markedly reduce the "hirability" of accented candidates, indicating a pervasive bias against nonstandard language speakers in the recruitment process. Further, South-Asian, Indian and Mexican accents were treated more negatively than other accents in the US.