Think speeches you've given or articles you've written. What made them great — and how can you replicate the success?
"A.I. is going to help us learn from our own successful routines," Grant said, adding that he's already set up a database with all his work so the technology can start analyzing.
A less-fancy version of this technology is already available in speech-coaching apps such as Ummo. As Business Insider's Nathan McAlone reported, Ummo tracks your speech so you know which phrases you overuse and learn how to pace yourself.
Grant also predicted that companies will start adding CLOs — chief learning officers — who will help workers prepare should they have to switch jobs.
Grant said: "If you don't think it's strategic to have a function that comes right down from the C-suite — to think how do we retrain, and how do we reskill? — then you're going to be missing out on a really high-qualified workforce to do jobs that don’t exist today."