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Zuckerberg cracks a joke about his Congressional testimony: 'Let's not do that again any time soon'

May 1, 2018, 23:35 IST

Business Insider

  • Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg gave his annual keynote speech at the company's developer conference, F8.
  • Zuckerberg introduced a new Facebook featured named "Watch Party," which allows friends to watch videos together on Facebook.
  • As an example of how friends could watch videos together, Zuckerberg poked fun at his recent Congressional testimony over Facebook privacy concerns.

"Let's not do that again anytime soon."

With that pithy, offhand line, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg addressed the elephant in the room at Facebook's annual developer gathering, F8. He was introducing one of several new Facebook features announced on Tuesday - the feature is called "Watch Party," and it enables Facebook users to watch videos together while interacting in chat in real time.

The example he chose to show it off? The hours of Congressional testimony he endured a few weeks ago, in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, which revealed that millions of Facebook users had their information used without consent in order to target political ads.

"We're rolling out something that we call Watch Party, that lets you watch video and chat with your friends. So let's say that your friend is testifying in Congress, for example," Zuckerberg said with a laugh. "Now you're gonna be able to bring your friends together. You can laugh together, and cry together. Some of my friends actually did this! Let's not do that again anytime soon!"


Mark Zuckerberg testifies to Congress.Reuters

It's not clear when Watch Party will launch, but it will almost certainly be ready ahead of any future televised testimonies in front of Congress starring Mark Zuckerberg.

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