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Young Saudis Love This Super-Dangerous Driving Trick

Apr 10, 2013, 01:40 IST

Young men in Saudi Arabia take joyrides to a whole new level.


A popular stunt among young drivers is "sidewall skiing," which entails driving on the two side wheels of the car only.

To make the experience even more extreme, the driver may high-five a spectator on the curb, passengers ride outside the vehicle, barely hanging on to the windows or the chassis, and other thrill-seekers lie on the road as the car passes over them.

Check out the photos.

REUTERS/Mohamed Al Hwaity


Performing stunts such as sidewall skiing and drifts is a popular hobby amongst Saudi youths.

REUTERS/Mohamed Al Hwaity

The stunt is not only a thrill for the driver. Passengers, hanging out of the car's windows and taking off the wheels of the car while in motion (!), or spectators, lying in the middle of the road, can also be part of the stunt.

REUTERS/Mohamed Al Hwaity

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