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You probably won't be getting a big pay rise this year - these 6 charts from the Bank of England explain why

Feb 4, 2016, 21:52 IST

A policeman reacts as a woman shouts inside a Bankia bank branch during an anti-eviction protest in Madrid, June 1, 2012.REUTERS/Andrea Comas

The Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee voted unanimously on Thursday to hold rates at 0.5% for another month and warned over inflation - or the lack of it.


The 9-0 vote, which is the first unanimous vote since July, shows the alarm bells are ringing.

With inflation low, wage increases are stalling. There are a few different reasons for this, including low oil prices and slowing global economic growth and trade.

The central bank's inflation report is full of useful charts and graphs about why prices just aren't budging.

Here's six of the best.


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