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You need to watch this video of Google's latest robot opening doors, getting bullied and being pushed down

You need to watch this video of Google's latest robot opening doors, getting bullied and being pushed down
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In December 2013, Google bought Boston Dynamics, an engineering company that creates mind-blowing mobile research robots for the military. At the time, the company featured nine robots on its website.

But the company just released a new video showing the "next generation" of its humanoid Atlas robot. The footage is incredible (and a little bit freaky if you let yourself imagine being terrorized by the bot one day).

Check it out:

Watch it escape:

 Then go through a nice jaunt through the woods:

 Almost fell, but nay, it regains its balance:

 Showing off feats of strength:

 This Boston Dynamics' employee looks like a bully:

Tormenting poor Atlas with a hockey stick:

Aaaand he's down:

But not for long...


 Watch the whole video for yourself: 


NOW WATCH: This 9-year-old makes $1 million a year opening toys


