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You can donate bitcoin to Rand Paul's presidential campaign

You can donate bitcoin to Rand Paul's presidential campaign

Rand Paul just announced that he's running for president in 2016, and he's pretty flexible about what kinds of donations he'll accept.

His campaign website, headlined "Stand with Rand," allows people to make donations with a credit card, PayPal, or the digital currency bitcoin.

Rand Paul bitcoin

Paul, a libertarian-oriented Republican senator from Kentucky, said in a statement on his updated campaign website on Tuesday that he's running for president "to return our country to the principles of liberty and limited government."

Paul's slogan will reportedly include a vow to "defeat the Washington machine."

But Reuters pointed out on Tuesday that Paul has been contradicting some of the messages he built his image on in order to court donors:

The firebrand who wants to scale back the authority of the Federal Reserve has been quietly courting Wall Street donors. The anti-war agitator who mounted a 13-hour filibuster to call attention to the United States' use of drones recently proposed a boost to military spending.

And the 52-year-old former eye surgeon who harnessed the anti-establishment energy of the Tea Party movement has been raising money for fellow Republicans, at times upsetting the grassroots activists who have made him a national figure.

Also this week, a board member of the Bitcoin Foundation announced that the group is effectively bankrupt. As Arstechnica points out, the foundation is "the closest thing to a public face that the [bitcoin] community has."

(h/t @TheStalwart)

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