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You can bid on a lunch with Nouriel Roubini - but there's a catch

May 12, 2015, 00:08 IST

Would you like to go to lunch with the famed economist Nouriel Roubini, also known as "Dr. Doom"? 


For a limited time only, you can bid for a right to do just that.

The auction proceeds will benefit the Against Malaria Foundation, a UK-based charity that makes mosquito nets.

There's a catch, though. Two, actually. 

First, the fine print says that bidding does not include lunch. You'll have to buy it on the day of.


Second, you have to be nice. From the BidKind page:

We expect all winning bidders and their guests to conduct themselves appropriately when attending an experience won at BidKind. Polite manners and respect for the generous donor and adherence to any rules or parameters are a must. 

Just what constitutes impolite is up for debate.

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