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You Are Allowed One Counteroffer Every Two Years

Vivian Giang   

You Are Allowed One Counteroffer Every Two Years

Approaching your employer with a counteroffer from another company is a strategic way to get a raise, but it'll also reveal to your boss that you've been interviewing at other organizations.

And if you work at a startup, this loyalty issue is "particularly important," because "so many jobs are new, unique, and specific to the person holding that job — if they leave, it’s basically impossible to replace them," Bryan Goldberg — founder of the Bleacher Report — writes at PandoDaily.

So what are the rules on the counteroffer and what's the best way to approach your employer about it?

Goldberg says you get one counteroffer every two years — any more than that and "you are disloyal."

He writes:

"...Because I’m a nice guy, I won’t even ask you any of the details. I was probably already suspicious when you had all those 'dental appointments' last month. But you need not give me the whole shtick about 'I wasn’t even looking. An old colleague approached me…' I’ve done this long enough to know the story already. I get it.

"You want a raise, and you are proactive enough to go get a competing job offer to force my hand at giving you a raise. Well, I don’t mind proactivity. Poker is one of my hobbies, and I enjoy the challenge of folding or calling your bluff — and, yes, I have called bluffs before. But you will probably win.

"And you are allowed to win once every two years. Any more than that, and you are disloyal, and I will let you walk away. I’ll even push you out. If an extra $5,000 per year is going to change your life so much, then go have a good life on somebody else’s dime."

SEE ALSO: 6 facts you didn't know about negotiating your salary >


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