scorecardXiongan New Area

Xiongan New Area

Established in April 2017, Xiongan New Area is a redevelopment project planned for Hebei, China. Initially, the city will cover nearly 40 square miles, but eventually it will reach about 80 square miles — over three times the size of Manhattan.

The masterplan and construction timeline is not yet set, but city officials say that it will include new housing, offices, universities, and a transit system.

Xiongan is being billed as a "special economic zone" and future tech hub by the Chinese government, which hopes that populations from nearby Beijing will move there (and thus reduce congestion in the city). Analysts expect it to take 15 years for the city to absorb 4.5 million people, many of whom are already trying to move there.

Prices of existing housing in the area have recently skyrocketed as a result, according to The Economist.
