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Twitter seems to know the real reason behind India’s population-control issues

Jul 11, 2016, 17:39 IST
Today is World’s Population Day and everyone around the world is pouring their wisdom and intellect in how we can control population and what are the reasons behind the surge.

This World Population Day’s theme is-‘Investing in Teenage Girls’, which is subject of grave concern.

World over, teenage girls face a number of challenges such as early marriage and motherhood. Many teenage girls are forced to drop out of schools and are marginalised.

To bring these challenges to zilch, UNFPA has been running a series of programmes that aim to end child marriage, curb adolescent pregnancy, and to empower girls to make informed choices about their health and lives.

In 2015 alone, UNFPA programmes helped 11.2 million girls between ages 10 and 19 gain access to sexual and reproductive health services and information.


Information is pouring on Twitter on what changes should be brought in the society and the system that they invest in teenage girls.

In India too, the population is on the rise. We are already 1.2 billion and Twitter knows why. Here are some Tweets that make sense




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