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Wildcat Kills 35-Year-Old Woman At Oregon Sanctuary

Nov 10, 2013, 20:13 IST

Wikimedia CommonsA wildcat in Tanzania, which was not involved in the attack. PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - Authorities say an employee at an Oregon animal sanctuary has been attacked and killed by a wildcat.


Sgt. Robert Wurpes of the Clackamas County Sheriff's office says the attack was reported Saturday night at WildCat Haven in the suburban Portland community of Sherwood.

He says the animal was locked in a cage following the attack.

Wurpes declined to release any details on the victim, how the attack occurred or the type of wildcat. He says more information will be available Sunday.

The Oregonian reports that fire officials identified the victim as a 35-year-old woman.


WildCat Haven officials did not immediately respond to a telephone message left early Sunday.

Its website describes the facility as a "last hope" for more than 60 wildcats that have been abandoned or abused, including bobcats, cougars, lynx and tigers.

The facility is not open to the public, but does provide on-site tours to donors.

Copyright (2013) Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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