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Wild Photos From The World's Biggest Water Fight In Thailand

Apr 18, 2013, 23:15 IST

REUTERS/Damir SagoljParticipants went all out during Bangkok's Songkran Festival last Saturday April 13, 2013.Thailand's Songkran New Year Festival used to signify a cleansing of bad luck and a new beginning. The younger generation would ask for the blessings of their elders, and pour scented water over their hands as a sign of respect.


Now, it's an all-out water war. People take to the streets with hoses, buckets, and water guns as they try to get everyone around them as sopping wet as possible.

Though Thailand is not the only country to hold the nation-wide water fight, it is the most famous. Tourists come from all over the world just to be a part of the wet and wild activities.

But there is a darker side to the celebration — the traffic accident death toll usually doubles during this time of year since all the festivals lead to widespread drunk driving.

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