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Why Mobile Advertising Should Soar This Year

Why Mobile Advertising Should Soar This Year

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Why Mobile Advertising Should Soar This Year (GigaOM)
There are plenty of reasons to believe the mobile ad industry could take some very big steps in the next year:

  • The growing popularity of smartphones with oversized screens is giving advertisers more real estate on which to deliver their pitches while minimizing the annoyance factor.
  • The continued build-out of LTE networks and increasing use of Wi-Fi are providing faster connections, enabling advertisers to create immersive, rich media campaigns.
  • Advancements in analytics and application management software will provide more information regarding the performance of mobile apps and the advertisements they deliver, enabling marketers to create more effective ad campaigns.

This might be the year mobile advertising breaks through in a big way. Read >>

verticals spending increase mobile advertising

Millennial Media

Which Industries Are Taking The Lead In Mobile Advertising? (MarketingProfs)
In 2012, the government services industry — not surprising given the political advertisers during the election — recorded the biggest year-over-year growth in mobile advertising spend, up 860 percent according to Millennial Media. The employment sector ranked second in mobile ad spend growth (up 523 percent), followed by travel services (495 percent), and personal and home services (up 461 percent). Despite the impressive growth, the retail and restaurant industries still accounted for the largest share of spending on the Millennial Media platform in 2012 (16 percent). Those advertisers ran mobile campaigns year-round which drove consumers to both retail and online stores. The telecom and finance industries each accounted for 14 percent of total mobile spend last year, and the entertainment industry accounted for 12 percent. Read >>

Why Your 2013 Marketing Plan Must Include Mobile (Andy Sowards)
Here’s why you should have a marketing plan which includes the mobile consumer:

  • The rise of HTML 5
  • Differentiation of tablets and smartphones
  • Retail mobile experiences

Three chief factors are driving the increase in mobile marketing: rising mobile marketing budgets, increasing expertise and experience of marketers with mobile channels and the increasing practicality of multi-platform approaches. Read >>

Moblie Browsing Traffic global growth


The Growth Of The Mobile Internet In Asia (2point6billion)
As Internet use in Asia continues to develop thanks to Asia’s growing number of Web users, methods to go online have evolved from the usual desktop experience into something much more, literally — mobile. Thanks to the advent of mobile smartphones and their corresponding popularity and high usage throughout Asia, the mobile Internet has emerged as increasingly accessible throughout the region.

mobile usage global asia


As of now, there are actually a greater number of combined mobile subscriptions in China and India than there are people in the United States. India and China combine for a net gain of about 10 million new mobile subscribers per month, and account for about 32 percent and 28 percent, respectively, of Asia’s overall market share. By the end of 2012, there were a total of 794,000,000 mobile Internet users in Asia, and about 18 percent of all Web traffic in Asia came from a mobile device. About a quarter of phones used throughout Asia are mobile smartphones that are capable of accessing the Web through mobile Internet browsers. Read >>

Chinese Agency Says Android Is Stealing Data (DCCI via TechInAsia)
China’s Data Center of China Internet (DCCI) released a new report about Android apps in the country, and things do not look good. The report details DCCI’s findings in an investigation of the top 1,400 apps across China’s various Android markets and found that 66.9 percent of the apps were tracking users’ private data, and 34.5 percent of them were doing what DCCI calls “cross-border data tracking,” or tracking private data that has no discernible connection to the app’s function and generally not making users aware that it’s happening. So what kind of information are these apps pulling from your phone? Basically everything. Read >>

Does The New Samsung Galaxy Make The iPhone 5 Look Lame? (CNet)
With the introduction of the Galaxy S4, Samsung is making Apple's iPhone look like yesterday's hot smartphone.

With a massive marketing campaign, a 5-inch screen, 13-megapixel camera, and a host of new software features on top of Google Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2, the S4 could attract a following at the iPhone's expense. The S4 will also be more widely distributed than the iPhone, with 327 carriers in 55 countries carrying the device starting in April. Read >>

High-End Samsung Tizen Coming In The Fall (The Verge)
Samsung has shared a little more about its plans to release smartphones running the Tizen operating system this year. Executive vice president of mobile Lee Young-hee said that a high-end Tizen phone will be released in August or September. While rumors say Samsung will release multiple Tizen devices in 2013, Lee only mentioned a single, flagship product. The device will be one of "at least three" premium smartphones launched by Samsung this year, the other two being the Galaxy S4 and a new Galaxy Note. The fact that Lee calling out the phone as a high-end device is particularly notable. With Tizen's roots in previous operating systems such as Bada and MeeGo, many had expected Samsung to use the OS for low- to mid-range devices. Read >>

