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White House Announces New Sanctions On Putin's 'Inner Circle'

Apr 28, 2014, 18:25 IST

REUTERS/Jason Reed

The White House on Monday levied fresh sanctions on seven Russian individuals and 17 companies involved in the escalating crisis in Ukraine.


The Obama administration announced sanctions on seven Russian government officials, two of whom are in Russian President Vladimir Putin's "inner circle." They will be subject to asset freezes and visa bans. The 17 companies linked to Putin's inner circle will be subject to asset freezes.

"Since April 17, Russia has done nothing to meet its Geneva commitments and in fact has further escalated the crisis," White House press secretary Jay Carney said in a statement. "Russia's involvement in the recent violence in eastern Ukraine is indisputable."

"If there is further Russian military intervention in Ukraine," he added, "we are prepared to sanction entities under this authority."

The White House didn't immediately specify the identities of the officials or companies. It is holding a conference call on the sanctions this morning.


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