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What Advertisers Really Think About Facebook

Sep 16, 2013, 17:27 IST

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AdAgeSurvey: What Advertisers Really Think About Facebook
AdAge conducted a survey to find out what 1,200 advertisers really think about Facebook, and it turns out that they are more bullish than in years past. Approximately 74% of respondents said their Facebook budgets now include paid media on the platform. That is an increase from 62% in January 2012 and 54% in June 2012. What's more, RBC's Mark Mahaney said that "marketers also observe that their ROI on Facebook has improved over the last six months, which may be a sign that the increase in advertising stability is sustainable." Mahaney is referring to Facebook's second quarter, in which it posted all-time high advertising revenue. Read > Twitter Helps Heavy Users Manage Their Feeds More Efficiently (TheNextWeb)
Twitter has rolled out a new menu for the @mentions section of Twitter.com. Users can now view who is talking to them by All, Filtered, or Verified. This segmentation will help Twitter's most followed users, who are tasked with browsing through hundreds, if not thousands of tweets mentioning them - including spam. Read >
BI IntelligenceTwitter Has Filed For Its IPO - Here's A Look At How Its Mobile Ad Business Is Shaping Up (BI Intelligence)
As Twitter edges closer and closer to an IPO, here's a first look at its mobile ad business:
  • As a mobile-first social media platform, Twitter has always had two feet in mobile advertising. But its recent acquisition of mobile ad exchange MoPub gave Twitter all the pieces it needs to build on its mobile ad business, already estimated at over $500 million for 2013.
  • Twitter has also built a reputation as the go-to platform for TV-linked social media campaigns.
  • MoPub has everything Twitter needed to complement and rev up its mobile ad business: the right talent, connections with demand-side players in mobile advertising, and the automated ad trading technology that will allow Twitter to become a force in two key areas, cross-device retargeting and real-time bidding.
  • Twitter's pre-MoPub ad business, centered around promoted tweets and other native in-stream advertising, is also healthy.

The full news note was sent to BI Intelligence subscribers. View it by signing up for a free trial. Read >

Twitter Releases Spotify App (evolver)
Twitter has released its own Spotify app, which aggregates music based on the #nowplaying hashtag on Twitter and other sources such as blogs. Read >
Evan Williams On The Future Of News (TechCrunch)
Evan Williams, who was one of the founders behind Blogger and Twitter, is running full steam ahead with his next venture, Medium. However, instead of focusing on news content, Williams believes the online news industry is over-crowded with hundreds of publications reprinting the same stories, just with different packaging. Instead, Williams believes Internet users will begin craving more intellectual content that is about ideas that change the world, rather than current events. Read >
Facebook Transitions Credits To Local Currencies (TechCrunch)
Facebook launched Credits so that it could have a standardized payments system for purchases made in games. However, it caused developers headaches because of fluctuating exchange rates in real monetary currencies. To solve this, Facebook has replaced Credits with local currency payments. Read >
A Year Of Struggle At Klout (Business Insider)
The social influence startup has not had an easy year. Read >

Snapchat Allows Users To See Who Their Friends Intreact With The Most (Business Insider)
Potential privacy problem at Snapchat. Read >
Submit Your Nominations For The Silicon Alley 100 (Business Insider)
Business Insider's annual ranking of the "100 people who have done the coolest stuff in the New York digital community this year" is now accepting nominations. Read >
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