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We tried Shake Shack's new answer to Chick-fil-A next to the real thing - and the winner surprised us

Jan 15, 2016, 22:38 IST

Hollis Johnson

Chicken is definitely in.


With McDonald's revamping the premium chicken offerings and Chick-fil-A making huge strides in growth and development, we could very well be in the midst of a fast-food-chicken renaissance.

And now, Shake Shack is looking for a piece of the action.

The famed better-burger chain's newest menu addition is the "Chick'n Shack" chicken sandwich.

Sure, Danny Meyer's burger empire makes a mean burger, but is Shake Shack's foray into fowl a fruitful venture, or does it simply run afoul?


We decided to test out this latest offering by comparing it to one of Chick-fil-A's deluxe sandwiches.

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