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We Tasted Taco Bell's Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Tacos That Don't Come Out Until Next Month

Feb 14, 2013, 00:11 IST

Kim Bhasin / Business InsiderWe had to go to a florist's shop in Manhattan and deliver a secret password in order to try some Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Tacos today.


The new flavor will be launching on March 7.

How are they?

You get the Cool Ranch flavor right up front when your tongue hits the taco shell. After that, it becomes hard to pin down that Cool Ranch taste once meat, cheese, and lettuce hits.

But it's really good, and yes, you end up with a bit of Cool Ranch dust on your fingers.


Simply put, if you like Cool Ranch Doritos and Taco Bell tacos... well, you can't go wrong.

It came in this Cool Ranch-branded sleeve (the other side of the sleeve is Nacho Cheese):

Kim Bhasin / Business Insider

Here's a closeup of the Cool Ranch Christmas dust:

Kim Bhasin / Business Insider


And here's what the Cool Ranch Big Box meal looks like:

Kim Bhasin / Business Insider

WATCH BELOW: We Taste Test Taco Bell's Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Tacos

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