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We Got An Unbelievable Aerial Tour Of Seattle By Seaplane [PHOTOS]

Aug 23, 2013, 20:56 IST

Jaguar Land RoverWe took an aerial tour of Seattle in a seaplane.Last month, we headed out to Seattle to test out Jaguar's first new sports car in nearly 40 years, the F-Type.


After about five hours of driving, we were nowhere near the city, so Jaguar Land Rover chartered us a flight back into town, on a De Havilland Otter Seaplane.

We flew with Kenmore Air, which offers narrated, 20-minute scenic flight tours of Seattle for $99 per person.

While our flight wasn't narrated, we got a great look at the beauty of the Pacific Northwest and Seattle's best landmarks.

Disclosure: Jaguar Land Rover paid for our travel to Seattle and lodging expenses to drive the 2014 F-Type.


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