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We Got A Bunch Of Our Co-Workers To Try Herbalife Shakes For The First Time

Aug 12, 2013, 19:43 IST

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Herbalife has been in the news a lot lately because its stock is in the the middle of a heated hedge fund battle between Bill Ackman and Carl Icahn.


Late last year, Ackman, who runs $12 billion Pershing Square Capital Management, publicly declared that he's shorting $1 billion worth of Herbalife stock.

Ackman believes that the company is a "pyramid scheme" that targets lower income individuals. As a result, he thinks regulators, specifically the Federal Trade Commission, will be persuaded to investigate it and shut it down.

His rival, Carl Icahn, purchased a massive stake in the company and said that he thinks Ackman will be the victim of the "mother of all short squeezes."

Herbalife is a multi-level marketing firm that sells nutritional products such as weight loss shakes and vitamins. We decided to try Herbalife's Formula 1 shake, the company's best selling product.


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Produced by William Wei

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