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Wal-Mart Is Laying Off 2,300 Sam's Club Workers

Jan 25, 2014, 03:55 IST

Wal-Mart is laying off about 2,300 Sam's Club workers, the Wall Street Journal is reporting.


The reported job cuts target salaried assistant managers and hourly employees at the club chain's weakest stores, according to the Journal. Affecting 2% of its U.S. workforce, it would be the company's biggest round of layoffs in four years.

"Over the years, we've migrated to a top-heavy structure in our management," Sam's Club Chief Executive Rosalind Brewer told the Journal. "What this does is align the number of assistant managers to the sales of the club and to where our growth areas are."

We've reached out to Wal-Mart for comment and will update when we hear back.

The layoffs are the latest in a string job cuts announced this month at major retailers including Macy's, Target, and J.C. Penney.


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