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Vogue's Epic Response To The Lena Dunham Photoshop Controversy

Jan 18, 2014, 01:25 IST

By now you've probably seen the Lena Dunham Vogue photo spread - shot, and allegedly altered - by famed photog Annie Leibovitz. And you've probably heard that Jezebel offered $10,000 for the un-retouched images - and got them.


Jezebel then posted the before-and-after shots of Dunham in GIFs - pointing out every little tweak made by the fashion magazine, including what the Internet was dubbing a "stock image" pigeon atop Dunham's head.

Not so! says Vogue, who just responded to the controversy in the most Vogue way possible.

The magazine posted this to their Instagram account in hopes of clearing up any misconceptions - mostly about the pigeon, which was, in fact, alive.

"The Vogue pigeon. Any questions?"



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