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Vin Diesel hilariously sings the classic 'Lean on Me' for Jimmy Fallon

Apr 4, 2017, 19:18 IST


If you follow Vin Diesel on social media, you know that he's a fan of doing karaoke. He's sung everything from Rihanna's "Stay" to an "Oliver Twist" song to "audition" for James Corden's "Carpool Karaoke."

"The Tonight Show" host Jimmy Fallon brought up Diesel's singing talents on the show Monday night.

"Where is this going?" Diesel asked.

And before the action star knew it, Fallon brought a microphone from under his desk.

"But the little twist, I thought it'd be kinda fun if, since it's 'The Tonight Show,' we wanna do something different. This microphone has a chipmunk filter," Fallon said.


Diesel took the mic and sang a moving rendition of Bill Withers' classic "Lean on Me," in a high-pitched chipmunk voice.

Check it out for yourself below:


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