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US Navy Budget Cuts Will Have A Big Impact On The War On Drugs

Mar 5, 2013, 04:35 IST

U.S. NavyUS Navy frigates.The automatic budget cuts of sequestration are going to have a big effect on the war on drugs, as some U.S. Navy ships will soon end patrols for drug smugglers, according to a report from the U.S. Naval Institute.


Only two months ago, the USS Thach left for a six-month deployment to the Central American region, patrolling for drug traffickers and other illegal activity.

Along with fellow frigate USS Gary, they patrol the Caribbean and the eastern Pacific looking for smugglers who often use submarine-like crafts or high-speed boats.

They've helped intercept over 145,000 kilos (160 tons) of cocaine — worth about $4 billion — 125 tons of marijuana, and $3.5 million in drug money.

The budget cuts may force the Navy to bring them home soon. An official Navy message indicated the Thach will be returning early, and the Gary will not be relieved from its deployment in April.


“The cancellation and deferment of ship deployments to 4th Fleet is unfortunate,” Cmdr. Cory Barker told USNI. “We will remain hopeful that Congress will act so we can recover and continue those missions.”

One spokesman commented that without the Navy, the Coast Guard would not be able to meet the demands of interdicting suspected traffickers and making arrests.

You can read the full report at USNI.

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