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US Marine Makes First Legal Pot Purchase In Colorado

US Marine Makes First Legal Pot Purchase In Colorado

Sean Azzariti, a US Marine and Iraq War veteran, was the first to purchase legal pot in Colorado, reports USA Today.

Assariti publicly lobbied for legalization of marijuana in order to help vets suffering from Post Traumatic Stress. Cannabis has shown to help vets who suffer from states of hyper-vigilance.

From USA Today:

Azzariti, who served six years in the Marine Corps and two tours in Iraq, doled out about $60 at 3D Cannabis Center for an eighth of an ounce of "Bubba Kush" and a pot-laden truffle.

"Thanks so much," he said to the cashier.

Active duty Marines are regularly tested for the active substance in Marijuana - the chemical THC - as well as other drugs, to include pharmaceuticals. Anything found in the urine that is not prescribed to that Marine could lead to that Marine's discharge.

The other services have similar programs.

Currently, active duty service members who suffer from PTSD are able to receive standard prescriptions from psychologists - marijuana is unlikely to be an option any time soon.


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