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US Figure Skater Suffers Violent Fall, Still Finishes His Routine In A Spectacular Recovery

Feb 13, 2014, 22:27 IST

Robert Cianflone/Getty Images

American figure skater Jeremy Abbott took a horrific fall in the short program at the Olympics, but pulled himself off the ice and managed to finish his routine in a remarkable recovery.


Abbott landed directly on his hip while attempting a jump early in the routine. He slammed into a wall, and was down on the ice for more than 10 seconds as his music continued to play. Eventually he got up, continued like nothing happened, and drew raucous applause from the Russian crowd.

His score of 72.58 was incredible, all things considered.

Here's the entire sequence...

He got tremendous height on his jump:


He landed on his hip, with nothing to break his fall:


He crashed into the wall face-first:


He laid on the ice for what felt like forever:


He used the wall to pull himself up:


It felt like he was going to just skate off the ice:


Instead he got right back into his routine, landing every trick:


His final pose:


The crowd went nuts:


He was as happy as you'll ever see a figure skater who just botched his Olympic routine:


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