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US ATTORNEY ON BUSTING HEDGE FUNDS: 'Sometimes A Small Fish Is Very Delicious'

Jul 25, 2013, 23:24 IST

REUTERS/Issei KatoThe Southern District of New York, led by U.S. attorney Preet Bharara, just wrapped up its press conference announcing charges against SAC Capital.


There weren't too many new revelations in Bharara's remarks which wasn't already included in the indictment.

Of course, reporters tried asking about the implications of the charges against SAC CEO Stevie Cohen, and why another portfolio manager ended up being charged instead.

Bharara didn't budge on that one either.

Instead, here's how he responded, via CNBC's Eamon Javers:


Does this mean, as experts told WSJ's David Benoit, that Cohen is the one that got away?

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