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Unreal photos of New England buried in historic snow

Unreal photos of New England buried in historic snow

New England is getting hit with a snowstorm of historic proportions.

Some parts of the region were buried in more than two feet of snow over the weekend, according to The New York Times. Boston got hit especially hard. Some mounds of snow in the city have reached 15 feet high, The Times notes.

Several people have already died from effects of the storm, according to The Weather Channel.

This blizzard is just the latest in a series of storms that have blanketed the region with snow this winter. This February has become Boston's snowiest month on record, according to The Boston Globe. The city has seen 58.5 inches of snow this month - the previous record was set in January 2005 and was 15 inches less than this month's snowfall.

Here's how New England looks after the snow dump:

A woman in Norwood, Mass., shovels a path in the snow in front of her home.


AP Photo/Steven Senne

Up to two feet of snow landed on parts of Connecticut.


AP Photo/Jessica Hill

This giant pile of snow in Boston is called a "snow farm."


AP Photo/Michael Dwyer

Pictures are also streaming in on social media:

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