scorecardUnfortunately, one of the best aspects of the NES Classic Edition isn't built into the RetroN 1 HD: Save states.

Unfortunately, one of the best aspects of the NES Classic Edition isn't built into the RetroN 1 HD: Save states.

In some NES games, you could save your game. "The Legend of Zelda," for instance, allowed players to save their game and return later.

But in many NES games, there's no way to save. Maybe they have a password system, like the "Mega Man" games. But many have nothing at all — players used to straight up leave their NES turned on, paused, while doing other things. It was an imperfect solution to a frustrating issue.

The NES Classic Edition solved this issue in an elegant way: You could save any game at any point; you could turn off the console and come back later, assured that your game stayed right where you left it. The RetroN 1 HD doesn't appear to have this function, which is a tremendous bummer.
