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Understanding The Many Different Meanings Of 'Social'

Feb 26, 2013, 18:29 IST

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What We Talk About When We Talk About 'Social' (HBR)
Enterprise 2.0, Social Media, Social Business, Social Innovation, Social Era— are they all the same, or are they quite different? Do you know? If you don't know, you might be using the wrong term in the wrong context. Sometimes it helps to see distinctions side-by-side:

Harvard Business Review

When we conflate the tools with the outcomes, we risk meaning and impact. When we all use more precise language, each of us will find that people understand our meaning, and more clearly see the light. Read >>

Social Media Lessons To Learn From Ford Motor (salesforce)
Scott Monty, Global Head of Social Media at Ford Motor Company, gave a presentation titled, Social Wheels in Motion: Ford's Lesson in Social Media. Here are five of the most important lessons Monty and his team at Ford have learned over the last few years:


  1. If you have a good product, let go of fear and let others tell your story.
  2. Social media is not a campaign, it's a commitment. We always need to be on.
  3. The complete integration of paid, owned and earned media can have a significant impact.
  4. People engage with personalities, not product features.
  5. Embrace the platforms that your audience uses.

Monty provides valuable lessons to brands, both big and small, looking to drive real business results using social media. Read >>

Recruiters Rely More On Social Media For Talent (Bullhorn via eMarketer)
According to a survey of recruiters and executives in North America conducted by recruitment software company Bullhorn, 98 percent of recruiting professionals made use of social media to find talent in 2012.

Bullhorn via eMarketer

When asked which services had helped them successfully place candidates, recruiters overwhelmingly cited LinkedIn: Last year 93 percent placed a candidate using the service.

Bullhorn via eMarketer


Facebook was also the only channel that saw a decline in the percentage of staffing professionals who had successfully placed a candidate through the channel. Read >>

Social Media And Financial Services: What's The Point? (CIPR)
It’s hard to underestimate the impact that social media has had on the world of business. But judging the value of social media can be tricky for those in more established areas like financial services. The catch-22 faced by financial service institutions is this: in order to know the value of social media, they must first try it out. But having not tried it out, they can’t be sure it’ll be worth their time. In this way, financial services companies will be able to get their feet wet without having to dive head-first into the murky waters of the social explosion. Read >>

Ways To Turn Your Social Media Connections Into Paying Clients (Red Lemon Club)
There are several things you can do, as you go about using social media, to help push the likelihood of winning business:

  1. Add prospects to your social media
  2. Create content that is of interest
  3. Maintain professionality online
  4. Interspersing valuable content with a few references to your own work
  5. Contact people individually
  6. Share your portfolio/website at the right moments
  7. Collaborate

Potential clients are out there using social networks, and they’re willing to pay good money for a job you can do well. Read >>

Paid Social Media Is Set To Surge (Forbes)
Whether Promoted Tweets and other native ads end up a marketing revolution or just another annoyance will depend on how they’re used. Companies that “get” social media – and have the tools to draft, publish and analyze compelling messages, then turn the best ones into ads – will reach new customers and connect better with existing ones. Meanwhile, companies that clog up Twitter streams and Facebook feeds with the same old sales pitches may well get an unpleasant surprise – social media users ready, willing and able to push back against boring ads. Read >>


Foursquare Partners With Visa And MasterCard (AdAge)
Looking to unlock a new revenue stream, Foursquare is announcing new partnerships with Visa and MasterCard that will let credit and debit card holders claim discounts at participating retailers. The deal is essentially replicating what the company has had in place for going on two years with American Express, a program that enables people to "sync" their credit cards with Foursquare to claim discounts that appear as credits on their statements simply by checking in to a participating location. The announcement comes at a time when enthusiasm for the four-year-old startup among marketers and investors alike appears to be waning as user growth slows and its ad product sees slow adoption. Read >>

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