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UNDER THE HOOD: An extraordinary look at what's going on in the US economy right now

Aug 18, 2015, 00:35 IST


Two things are true about the US economy: It is adding jobs and growing.


Economic growth over the last few years has been just so-so, though GDP is still growing about 2% annually.

Meanwhile, the labor market is on fire, with the economy adding more jobs in 2014 than any year since 1999.

But under the hood of the economy, we can see that consumer spending isn't as poor as some monthly retail data may indicate, government spending is a net negative to economic growth, and healthcare costs are just through the roof.

On Friday, the folks over at floatingpath.com, an economics and finance blog, posted this comprehensive overview of the US economy and have allowed us to run the slides below.


Every day of every week of every month we get a ton of data thrown at us, but take a look through these slides and you'll get a broad and complete picture of what's going on in the economy right now.

Thanks to Nick at floatingpath.com for letting us run these slides. You can follow Nick on Twitter here »

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