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Twitter Can Make You Less Fat

Megan Rose Dickey   

Twitter Can Make You Less Fat



Twitter is a great tool for keeping up with what people are talking about all over the world.

But a recent study suggests that it's also a useful tool for losing weight.

Researchers from the University of South Carolina's Arnold School of Public Health say that using Twitter to keep you accountable for losing weight works really well, Annie Hauser of The Huffington Post reports.

As part of the six-month study, 96 overweight or obese adults either listened to two podcasts per week about nutrition or fitness, or listened to the podcasts, recorded physical activity, and interacted with other participants via Twitter.

Those who were required to use Twitter ended up losing more weight than those who didn't. Researchers found that each tweet corresponded with half a pound lost.

"Providing group support through online social networks can be a low cost way to reach a large number of people who are interested in achieving a healthy weight," lead researcher Brie Turner-McGrievy, PhD, MS, RD, said in a release.


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