Marco Arment, cofounder of Tumblr and a well-known developer, has a post on his site looking at how his latest app is doing.
The results are not mind-blowing.
Marco estimates that he's put about two weeks' of work into Bugshot, his new iPhone app for adding arrows and blur to screenshots (for pointing out bugs in
In return, he's earned a total of $3,531.89. Most of the app's
The app's sales seriously dropped off after about a week. In fact, Marco says that over the last 5 days, he's averaging only $47 in sales per day, and later tweeted that he thinks the downward trend will continue:
— Marco Arment (@marcoarment) July 31, 2013
This just goes to show that even with a highly-trafficked (for a one-man operation) blog, a successful podcast, a history of making great apps, and a following that includes nearly 60,000 Twitter users, one can't assume that Internet fame will automatically translate into app sales.