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Trump's bright red Ferrari sold for $270,000 at auction - here's a closer look at the car

Apr 5, 2017, 23:06 IST

Dirk de Jager © 2017 Courtesy Auctions America

A stunning Ferrari first owned by President Donald Trump sold at an auction in Florida over the weekend.


First spotted by Bloomberg, the car originally sold on the chopping block for $240,000 - $10,000 less than the its estimated going price. But the auction house confirmed to Business Insider that a few minutes after leaving the podium, a private bidder swooped the car up for $270,000.

The Ferrari isn't the first Trump car to go to a new owner. The President's 1997 Lamborghini Diablo sold on eBay last year.

The auction house said Trump bought the car in 2007 and owned it for just over four years. It accrued around 2,400 miles in that time span.

Dirk de Jager © 2017 Courtesy Auctions America


However, the car did have a second owner before going up for auction - so it's not coming straight from Trump.

The F430 is powered by a 4.4-liter V8 engine capable of producing 490 hp. It can reach a top speed of 196 mph.

Dirk de Jager © 2017 Courtesy Auctions America

Ferrari first introduced the F430 in 2004 at the Paris Motor Show. It was designed by Italian design house Pininfarina and was produced through 2009 before being replaced by Ferrari's 458.

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