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'Trump isn't racist. He's worse:' Anthony Scaramucci rips into Trump as their feud escalates

Rosie Perper,Rosie Perper   

'Trump isn't racist. He's worse:' Anthony Scaramucci rips into Trump as their feud escalates

Anthony Scaramucci
  • Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, who worked for the Trump administration for less than two weeks in 2017, escalated his feud with President Donald Trump on Friday, calling him a "jackass," "narcissistic," and "crazy" in a newly published interview.
  • The relationship between Scaramucci and Trump began to sour last week when after Scaramucci told MSNBC's Chris Matthews on "Hardball" that Trump "didn't do well" on his trips to El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, in the wake of two mass shootings this month which left more than 30 people dead.
  • Trump hit back in a series of tweets, calling Scaramucci "totally incapable" and saying he "would do anything to come back in" to the Trump administration after his short-lived tenure. The jabs between the two continued to escalate through the week.
  • Scaramucci unloaded at his former boss in a recent Vanity Fair interview published early on Friday, claiming that Trump was "losing it, mentally" and that he was likely to drop out of the 2020 race by March once it became clear that it was "impossible for him to win."
  • Scaramucci also said that Trump had the "self-esteem of a small pigeon," and said he became disillusioned by Trump due to his "full-blown racism."
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, who served in the Trump administration for less than two weeks in 2017, escalated his feud with President Donald Trump on Friday, calling him a "jackass," "narcissistic," and "crazy" in a newly published interview.

Scaramucci unloaded at his former boss in a recent Vanity Fair interview published early on Friday, claiming that Trump was "losing it, mentally" and that he was likely to drop out of the 2020 race by March once it became clear that it was "impossible for him to win."

"It's gonna become very clear that it's impossible for him to win," Scaramucci said. "And is this the kind of guy that's gonna want to be that humiliated and lose as a sitting president? He's got the self-worth in terms of his self-esteem of a small pigeon. It's a very small pigeon. "

Scaramucci predicted that Trump would not poll well with voters, and said the president would not be able to "handle the humiliation."

"He is smart enough to know that that entire Congress hates his guts," he added.

Though Scaramucci had previously maintained loyalty to the Trump administration, he said he became disillusioned with Trump due to his "full-blown racism."

"He's actually worse than a racist," he said. "He is so narcissistic, he doesn't see people as people. He sees them as objects in his field of vision. And so therefore, that's why he has no empathy."

Read more: Anthony Scaramucci blasted Trump as a 'very weak troll' and a 'bully' as their Twitter feud escalates

He cited Trump's recent visit to El Paso, Texas, following a mass shooting there which left 22 people dead, in which Trump gave a thumbs up and posed with an orphaned baby during a photo op, as well as his awkward Oval Office meeting with Yazidi activist and Nobel Prize winner Nadia Murad, as the moments when the scales began to tip.

He also took a stab at Trump's mental state, calling him "petulant" and "impetuous."

"I think the guy is losing it, mentally," he said. "He has declining mental faculties."

Scaramucci retweeted the report on Twitter, saying that Trump's narcissism is the reason "why he doesn't have any real friends."


The relationship between Scaramucci and Trump began to sour last week when after Scaramucci told MSNBC's Chris Matthews on "Hardball" that Trump "didn't do well" on his trips to El Paso and Dayton, Ohio, in the wake of two mass shootings this month which left a total of 31 people dead.

Trump responded to Scaramucci's comments on Saturday in a series of scathing tweets, calling him "totally incapable" and saying he "would do anything to come back in" to the Trump administration after his short-lived tenure.

Jabs continued through the week, with Scaramucci calling Trump's recent attacks on Democratic congresswomen of color "unacceptable." He furthered his criticism of the president on Sunday during an interview with Axios, where he compared Trump to a melting nuclear reactor and said Republicans may need to throw their support behind another candidate in 2020.

Trump then fired off another tweet at Scaramucci, claiming that the former White House official was lashing out because he was sour he wasn't offered another job in the Trump administration after he was let go.

Scaramucci responded on Tuesday by calling Trump "a very weak troll," and said that "many" people had reached out to him about replacing Trump as the 2020 Republican nominee.


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