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TRUMP: I'd 'send cease-and-desist letters to China and Mexico'

Feb 19, 2016, 10:04 IST

Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Donald Trump on Thursday made voters a promise: If he's elected, he'll keep sending cease-and-desist letters. But he'll address them instead to China and Mexico.


Trump, the Republican presidential frontrunner, was asked during a Thursday CNN town-hall event whether he would send cease-and-desist letters to China and Mexico, two major US trade partners that Trump asserts are "ripping off" the US.

"Yeah, maybe to China, to stop ripping us off. I'd be sending them to other countries to stop ripping us off. I'd send them to Mexico."

"And when I say cease-and-desist orders, maybe it'd be equivalent. Maybe I'll do it with my mouth."

Cooper's comments came days after Trump sent Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-Texas) campaign a cease-and-desist letter. The letter threatened a lawsuit if the campaign did not take down a television ad in South Carolina showing a clip from a 1999 Trump interview with Tim Russert.


Earlier this week, Cruz challenged Trump to file the lawsuit, saying he may take the case himself.

"Even in the annals of frivolous lawsuits, this takes the cake," Cruz said. "So Donald, I would encourage you - if you want to file a lawsuit challenging this ad, claiming it is defamation, file the lawsuit. It is a remarkable contention that an ad that plays video of Donald Trump speaking on national television is somehow defamation."

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