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Trump celebrates Patriots' stunning Super Bowl win: 'Wow!'

Feb 6, 2017, 09:36 IST

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

President Donald Trump echoed the sentiment of many Americans after the New England Patriots pulled off a stunning upset to beat the Atlanta Falcons in Super Bowl 51 on Sunday, tweeting: "Wow!"


"What an amazing comeback and win by the Patriots," Trump tweeted. "Tom Brady, Bob Kraft and Coach B are total winners. Wow!"

Trump watched part of the game with his family and advisers at a swanky party at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida.

In an interview with Bill O'Reilly that aired before the game, Trump predicted the Patriots would win by eight points. And he was shockingly close - New England won 34-28 in the first overtime in Super Bowl history.

"I like [Patriots owner] Bob Kraft. I like Coach Belichick and Tom Brady's my friend," Trump told O'Reilly. "There's less pressure on the Patriots because they've been there. You know once you've won, and you've done it, and they've done it, once you've done it there's a lot less pressure. So we'll see what happens, but you know you have to stick up for your friends, right?"


The president repeated his praise for the three men after the Patriots pulled off the greatest comeback in Super Bowl history.

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