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The 18 most gorgeous classic cars we saw on the streets of Havana

In 1955, Cuba was the top importer of North American-manufactured cars, with nearly 125,000 Detroit-made automobiles bustling around the island nation.

The 18 most gorgeous classic cars we saw on the streets of Havana

That all changed in 1959, when Fidel Castro and his revolutionaries took over the country.

That all changed in 1959, when Fidel Castro and his revolutionaries took over the country.

The Cadillac does not provide jobs for anyone," Castro said during a speech to the Cuban people in July 1959. "The Cadillac does not increase the wealth of the country. It diminishes it.

The Cadillac does not provide jobs for anyone," Castro said during a speech to the Cuban people in July 1959. "The Cadillac does not increase the wealth of the country. It diminishes it.

From that moment forward, Castro halted all American car imports and imposed strict laws on Cuban car owners.

From that moment forward, Castro halted all American car imports and imposed strict laws on Cuban car owners.

The US responded with the infamous embargo that would effectively sever American-Cuban relations.

The US responded with the infamous embargo that would effectively sever American-Cuban relations.

And for the next 50 years, owners of these "coches Americanos" would be forced to improvise repairs without access to replacement parts.

And for the next 50 years, owners of these "coches Americanos" would be forced to improvise repairs without access to replacement parts.

Mechanics have creatively married working parts from multiple cars to create these Frankenstein automobiles, like this red truck sitting outside of the Russian Embassy in Havana.

Mechanics have creatively married working parts from multiple cars to create these Frankenstein automobiles, like this red truck sitting outside of the Russian Embassy in Havana.

Even cars that appear to be in mint condition, like this 1950-era Chevy, are likely to have a Russian carburetor and a Peugeot diesel engine under the hood.

Even cars that appear to be in mint condition, like this 1950-era Chevy, are likely to have a Russian carburetor and a Peugeot diesel engine under the hood.

And since mix-and-match parts are considered sacrilegious to car collectors, these classic autos, while beautiful, have lost significant value.

And since mix-and-match parts are considered sacrilegious to car collectors, these classic autos, while beautiful, have lost significant value.

What's more, they are often difficult to identify due to decades of retrofitting and repainting.


Castro's stiff laws also prevented Cubans from selling their cars to avoid the expense of maintaining their "máquinas."


Speckled among the classic American relics are the boxy Soviet-made Ladas, another clear reminder of the USSR's friendship with Cuba.

Speckled among the classic American relics are the boxy Soviet-made Ladas, another clear reminder of the USSR

Ironically, the 250,000 USSR-imported Ladas were also expensive to maintain, as spare parts were rarely available in Cuba.

Ironically, the 250,000 USSR-imported Ladas were also expensive to maintain, as spare parts were rarely available in Cuba.

The majority of these vintage cars serve as taxi cabs for tourists, providing a crucial income for locals. A 10-15 minute ride could cost tourists around $10.

The majority of these vintage cars serve as taxi cabs for tourists, providing a crucial income for locals. A 10-15 minute ride could cost tourists around $10.

The most immaculately preserved cars can command upwards of $15 to $30 for a quick ride.

The most immaculately preserved cars can command upwards of $15 to $30 for a quick ride.

Drivers park their cars outside the government-run hotels in order to entice tourists. Having a well-maintained car is important for booking a job.

Drivers park their cars outside the government-run hotels in order to entice tourists. Having a well-maintained car is important for booking a job.

The owner of this pristine 1955 Chevy Bel Air washes his car three to four times a week and immediately after it rains to make sure the paint stays in excellent condition.

The owner of this pristine 1955 Chevy Bel Air washes his car three to four times a week and immediately after it rains to make sure the paint stays in excellent condition.

Most drivers will insist on opening and shutting the doors for each passenger, another measure of preserving the delicate cars.

Most drivers will insist on opening and shutting the doors for each passenger, another measure of preserving the delicate cars.

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